Level 4 Course: Repatterning Creativity:

Create Unique Intellectual That Sells
(Live On-going Weekly Coaching)

This is an on-going, weekly, group coaching class.

Do you aspire to become a thought leader, start a new business, add new services or products to an existing business, or simply explore your creative potential?

Then welcome to the Level 4 Course: Repatterning Creativity: Create Unique Intellectual That Sells.

This course is designed specifically for program creators, service providers, and thought leaders looking to tap into their vast warehouse of knowledge and create one-of-a-kind intellectual property that sells.

True innovation, what the ancient Greeks called “Sui-generis” (without precedent), is rare and requires letting go of preconceived notions and embracing the unknown. Inside you lies a wealth of untapped information accumulated throughout your lifetime — a treasure trove of forgotten knowledge and terminology that will ignite your creativity and lead to ground-breaking ideas. However, accessing this wealth of information requires giving your brain a reason to tap into it. The scope, depth, and richness of what is contained within your warehouse will only become known once you activate your brain’s potential. Until then, it remains hidden and untapped.

Why take this course?

In this course, Adele will guide you through her proven, step-by-step method to create innovative and unique programs. The five actionable steps she teaches in this course are the exact steps she uses to create her trailblazing content.

Creating something new requires navigating through self-doubt, creative blocks, perfectionism, and concerns about other people’s opinions. It can be a challenging minefield to navigate alone. As a Pattern Maker armed with powerful tools, your path to creativity becomes smoother and so much more fulfilling.

So, let’s shift the question from “why” to “why not.” Why not uncover the richness and scope of what is hidden in your vast warehouse?

Get ready to embark on a transformative journey where you’ll discover the wonders that await within you. Welcome to the Level 4 Course: Repatterning Creativity: Create Unique Intellectual That Sells, and prepare to be amazed by the depths of your own creativity.

Pre-course, a personal On-boarding call is REQUIRED:

Upon registration, you will receive a link to book your own on-boarding call with Adele. This is a not to be missed, this telephone session is designed to ensure your success in this group class.

Prerequisite​ Required:

The Four Step Repatterning Workshop or a solid understanding of the 4 Step Repatterning Technique using the book Shift: 4 Steps to Personal Empowerment
The power of asking the right question lies in its ability to spark curiosity and generate fresh insights. By approaching problems and challenges with a sense of openness and wonder, we can tap into our innate creativity and unlock our full potential as creative thinkers and problem-solvers.
You are encouraged to reflect on your own strengths and weaknesses as a communicator and identify any areas for improvement. You’ll also be introduced to specific techniques and strategies for crafting a compelling pitch, such as storytelling, using visuals, and highlighting the benefits of your idea.
The power of “selling first” lies in its ability to help us bring our ideas to life and make a positive impact on the world. By approaching our creative work with a sense of openness, curiosity, and willingness to learn from others, we can create truly innovative and transformative solutions that make a difference in our personal and professional lives.
This session focuses on connecting with our own inner resources and knowledge, we can become more confident and effective as creative thinkers and problem-solvers. By embracing our own unique perspectives and strengths, we can develop truly innovative and transformative solutions that make a difference in our personal and professional lives.
This session will delve into strategies for facilitating group creativity and fostering an environment where everyone’s unique ideas and perspectives are valued. One key insight that may emerge from the session is the importance of creating a safe and supportive space where people feel comfortable sharing their ideas and taking creative risks.
This session explores various techniques for assessing and evaluating creative work as a group, such as group critique sessions, peer review, and collaborative reflection. By leveraging the diverse perspectives and expertise of the group, participants can gain a much deeper understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of their creative work, and identify areas for further growth and development.
An open Repatterning session (no new learning this week).
Bring you list and get ready to celebrate. Share your breakthroughs as you cross off all the patterns that used to hold you back.

Why join these on-going weekly classes?

Each week you get:
  • Adele’s ongoing support and coaching.
    • Bring whatever issues you are faced with this week and get direct access and support from Adele.

  • A community of fellow Pattern Makers
    • In our left-brain world it helps to be surrounded by whole-brain thinkers who are eager to celebrate your wins and support you when you need it

  • Repatterning Accountability
    • Sometimes the hardest thing about Repatterning is remembering to do it.  Don’t worry. We won’t let you forget.  Each week’s class includes a Repatterning session.

  • Four, Live Coached courses are included in your membership. (a $3,200 value)
    • Once a quarter, a course will be taught live for 8 weeks by Adele. Your group can choose which course you want Adele to teach that quarter. In between each course you get weekly live support and coaching on your area of concern from Adele.