Adele Spraggon

Introducing The Pattern Maker Hub

The Hub is where Pattern Makers meet and learn. In the Hub, you will find all my on-demand courses starting wtih the award winning 4 Step Repatterning Technique. This is also where you will connect with your community.

Watch the Video below to hear more:

Our Unique Equitable Payment Plan

Whole brain thinking starts with a powerful question: Does it work? When we directed this question towards the world’s wealth distribution our answer was a resounding NO! This had us create the Equitable Payment Plan.

Here’s how it works:

1. You should not pay unless you get value. Therefore you pay at the end of the month, and not at the start of the month.
2. If you do get value, you should pay.
3. What you should pay, must be within your means.

Therefore, if the recommended price of $49.99 is not aligned with your budget, select an alternative price from our drop-down menu.

Here’s what you need to know. Your participation to whole brain thinking is much more important right now than how much money you have.

Fully sponsored memberships are available. If you require one, please and inquire about our membership scholarships. And if you can pay a little extra, please consider donating to our scholarship fund.

Together we can change the world.

personal development specialist

Why become a member of the Pattern Maker Hub?

In the Pattern Maker Hub, your journey begins with learning the 4 Step Repatterning Technique. With this tooll in your pocket, you are now in a position to create your future using whole-brain thinking. At that point you can customize your life’s great adventure by choosing from a menu of courses:

Repattern the past so you can let go of yesterday’s traumas and past mistakesRepattern for peace of mind to reduce or eliminate stress, anxiety and worry

  • Repattern money and gain the ease of abundance, wealth and prosperity
  • Repattern your mindset for resilience, optimism and to feel in control
  • Repattern your relationships and learn the gift of conflict-free communication
  • Repattern sales and let go of any discomfort and fear of selling
  • Repattern leadership so you can confidently step into your leader roles
  • Repattern creativity and learn how to tap into the wealth of information within you

You will not only get access to all of these on-demand courses but your membership also includes my monthly live Q&A webinar, community networking events, guest speakers and much more.

What you'll get

embrace change

Access all on demand courses

From money patterns to relationship issues, to creativity blocks, to peace-of-mind — we have something for that. Check out our on-demand curriculum that addresses a wide range of behavioural topics.
embrace change

Monthly live Q&A webinar

In the Pattern Maker Hub, you are never alone. Do you have a question about the technique, a behaviour that you’re not sure how to address?

Join Adele live, once a month on Zoom.

embrace change

Scheduled coached courses available

Coached programs are available throughout the year on a variety of topics. These group coaching programs include live weekly webinars and small group format for guaranteed personalized results.
embrace change

Regular guest speakers

There is always something new in the Hub. Come and explore the latest findings in brain research. Delight in new discoveries about behavioural change. Be inspired by stories of transformation.
embrace change

Access to our community

Welcome! We are a group of changemakers, rulebreakers, and innovators who support each other on this great adventure called life.  Come and meet your community.

People like us, change the world.

embrace change

Affiliate programme

As a member, you may find yourself eager to introduce the Pattern Maker Hub to your colleagues, groups, friends, family. If so, check out how you can be an ambassador of the Hub.

Details available upon request.

embrace change

Equitable payment options

Our equitable payment options make the Hub accessible for everyone. Your participation is more important than how much you pay.

See below for details about our Equitable Payment Plan.

embrace change

Our "Value First" 7 Days Free Access

We put value first. Therefore, you pay at the end of each month and not at the start. Enjoy 7 days of full access. If you decide the Hub is not for you, simply cancel – you will not be charged.

See below for details about our Equitable Payment Plan

Equitable payment

In the Hub, we start with a powerful question: Does it work? When we directed this question towards the world’s wealth distribution our answer was a resounding NO! This had us create the Equitable Payment Plan:

1. You should not pay unless you get value. Therefore you pay at the end of the month, and not at the start of the month.

2. If you do get value, you should pay.

3. What you should pay, must be within your means.

Therefore, if the recommended price of $49.99 is not aligned with your budget, select an alternative price from our drop-down menu.

i dont know what to do with my life

Hear from some of our Pattern Makers

Rena Granofsky. ~ Retail Trusted Advisor. Domain expert on technology & business process

Very quickly after becoming a member, I determined that I was playing too small and I could really be playing a lot bigger and have a much bigger impact on the world. Today, I figure out what’s right for me and just do it, in a much more calm way.

Sylvia Plester-Silk. Catalyst, Speaker, Author at On Purpose Consulting and Energy Therapist

It has completely changed my life. It’s so hard to say in a few words how much has happened. My business is now flowing and I’m getting clients on a weekly basis. I’m happy. I’m so incredibly happy!

Alicia Saint, ACC, ATC. Certified Coach/Change Agent/Purpose Creator

I was a perfectionist, always striving to do it right because I always had this terrible fear of failing. How incredibly freeing it is to let go of that fear. The world becomes your oyster.

Teresa (Terri) Slack and Connie Smith ~ Financly Bookkeeping Solutions

My big stumbling block was being able to get up and present myself. Being free of the patterns of fear and worry, has been life changing. I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off me.

Samia Sheikh ~ Broker at Royal Lepage Terrequity Realty​

Six months and I made what I usually make in one year – and without any effort! People say ‘without any effort, but this was literally without ANY effort!


Janet Dillon ~ Mortgage Agent, AMP

The most exciting thing is even if you’re in this and the people in your family aren’t doing it, your way of being changes their way of being and then everything becomes more harmonious